Thursday, May 31, 2007

Retribution 07/Vs.Duke- Pure Championship

The scene opens up backstage of and to the current Extreme wrestling entertainment arena that they have, or had for there last Wensday night Xplosion show which say Alex Edge and at the time his partner K-oZ take a pretty devistating lose to former NWA world heavyweight champion and one of EWE's newest new comers Christian Cage and christians partner and now a man Alex Edge has set his sites on, for the championship he has been holding aqround his waist Duke.

Alex is backstage putting on writs tape around his hands. he is in full wrestling gear which gives off a vibe that he is practising wrestling for when he face's off with Duke on sunday for the Extreme wrestling entertainment Pure championship belt.

Alex Edge: Yes. Finaly. I get another shot at the EWE Pure title. and no one else deserves this championship as much as I do.

Kara: Are you sure that you wont end up blowing your chances at a championship in Extreme wrestling entertainment like 2 weeks ago when you got mad and got your self a DQ and ended up not winning the pure title?

Alex Edge: hey hey hey. He wouldent go down and I could just see it in his eyes. yes I could. Duke was looking to get out of the ring and take a chair or the pure championship and wack me with it... all in a attempted to retain the EWE Pure title.

Kara: but you hit him with it. not the other way around.

Alex Edge: so what? I was just smart enough to hurt him and then hit him with the weapon first. better DQ then ending up like him.

Kara: hey bro lets not get carried away here. I mean hell you got your ass kicked by Christain Cage and who else but Duke last week.

Alex Edge: yes.

Kara: Yes? your just going to admit to it? no trying to argue or turn this around some how? I dont know what happened but im happy with you like this little bro.

Alex Edge: hey calm your horse. You didnt let me finish.

Kara: Oh Yeah. and just when I thought things where better. there you go again.

Alex Edge: Annnnyyyy wayyyyyssss. As I was saying. Yes I did lose the tag team match to christain cage and duke last week on Xplosion. but it took both of there finishers to keep me down and that K-Oz dude didnt help me much ethier. but thats all right.

Kara: It is? Why?

Alex Edge: Because I know what the fans want to see.

Kara: Oh really, and what might that be?

Alex Edge: Its to see some one who can wreslte as there pure champion, not some overweight loser who can flip twice. and you see. i know that I have been not satisfying the fans of extreme wrestling entertainment. and thats why I viow to do so from now on.

Kara: oh really?

Alex Edge: ahhh, Yes really!

Kara: so what is it that you are basicly trying to get across here Alex?

Alex Edge: What I'm trying to say is this! No more cheating. No more playing dirty, no more DQ's no more of that shit! From now on starting right now I Alex Edge swear to give the fans what they want! And first order of buissness get rid of that poser Duke.

Kara: Sooo, what you are telling me is that you are the good guy now? your no longer the heel? your now the baby face.

Alex Edge: well. Take baby out of baby face and lets just say face or good guy and yes. pretty much.

Kara; Ok then. So how do you plan on beating Duke and then taking him out of "Extreme wrestling entertainment"?

Alex Edge: plain and simple sis. I beat him out.

Kara: wait wait wait wait wait! what you are telling me. is that you my 19 year old younger brother who is 218 pounds and 5 foot 10 is planing on taking out a former all american champion and two time pure champion and current pure champion hwo happens to be over 300 pounds and is 6 foot 5?

Alex Edge: yeah. Pretty much why?

Kara: You have gut's. I'll give you that. But I just wonder if you have more gut's then brains. I mean hell Duke was on the first ever Extreme wrestling entertainment Wednesday Night Xplosion. He has battled great matches with top people in EWE and around the world.

Alex Edge: Like Ashlocke on Xplosion's second show ever.

Kara: uhh... yeah Pretty much... how did.....

Alex Edge: Know? I have been studying Duke ever sense WrestleManaia 4 a month ago when he beat former pure champion Benji Homman. You see I dont feel as if my last incounter with him one on one was enough.

Kara: wait! you mean that match with him for the Pure title la few weeks ago.

Alex Edge: was all a data collecting game. Yes I got mad and hit him with the chair but only because If I hadnt off done it to him. he would have to me.

Kara: So what you want me to belive is that you lost on purpose to duke in a match for a title AKA the EWE Pure title which you have been after for a while, and it was for data and other information?

Alex Edge: yep.

Kara: you seriously want me to think that is true.

Alex Edge: you dont have to belive me if you dont want to. but that wasnt the first time we had met in the ring. we had a match before wrestlemanai when I was going by Bam Punk and I ended up pinning him for the 1,2,3.

Kara: so?

Alex Edge: so? listen Kara, sis. If I could beat Duke so easily the first time why would I do so poorly the second time? you see. I dont care for the EWE All American championship or the X-Division Championship...yet. and we all Know that the General Manager and EWE Staf dont see me as a serious world title contender yet. hell I will admit that im not ready.

Kara: Alex.... what does this have to do with anything really?

Alex Edge: Ok, Im getting side tracked but the point of the matter is that Duke is seen as a nobody in the eyes of the EWE and all of the other wrestling fans.. and I can't blame them. He cant wrestle. Hell he is maybe as bad as David Batista.

Kara: so overall what I am being told by you is that Duke is a worthless waist of talent and your saying..... that yur basicly the saviour of EWE?

Alex Edge: Uhh... No. But What I am saying is that I'm the saviour of the pure title division.

Kara: Why Would you say that?

Alex Edge: Well mainly because there has only been one noteable Pure champion in Extreme wrestling entertainment... well maybe two.

Kara: And they are?

Alex Edge: Well, The Current Extreme wrestling entertainment heavyweight champion of the world, sean lewis.

Kara: And the other one is?

Alex Edge: A guy that I would love to learn from. The X-Cup 2006 winner Nero Pheonix.

Kara: so your saying that they are the only good pure champions EWE has had.... ever?

Alex Edge: well Know. I mean there have been other good Pure champions but Nero and Lewis just are the one's that really stuck out to me. They are kind of why I want the Pure title sooooooo badly.

Kara: Why? Do you want to be like them?

Alex Edge: Know! Not be like them but hopefully fallow in there footsteps. I mean they are two of the greatest wrestlers in EWE.

Kara: You sound so much like a kiss ass to Lewis and Nero right now.

Alex Edge: ............ ok ok ok........ Any ways! All I am saying is that these two guys really made me take notice to the EWE Pure championship and what not. and as most wrestler have a goal. you know what it is?

Kara: Know, But your probably going to tell me arnt you.

Alex Edge: My goal is become the greatest EWE Pure champion ever! Which means no more seeing loser's like Duke and Benji Homman walk around with the Pure championship. All though I would take Benji over Duke as champ but myself overall!

Kara: Oh I see. And I suppose you plan on being the longest reigning EWE Pure champion ever huh?

Alex Edge: uhh... Hell Yeah! I am going top make this championship get noticed around EWE for more then the loser belt for nobodys. But do you know why I wasnt granted the pure title shoot at wrestlemania four this year.

Kara: I think it was because they all ready had it scheduled!

Alex Edge: No! It was because thar the whole Benji verses Duke feud had been going on sense the "King Of Xtreme" pay per view. And the title, the prize I had coveted so much was there prize to winner.

Kara: ......

Alex Edge: But know that there little feud is over and done with Alex Edge is going to get another championship belt in Extreme wrestling Entertainment!

Kara: ......

Alex Edge: umm.. Kara are you ok?

Kara: yeah... But your ring name...

Alex Edge: My ring name?

Kara: Yes! your ring name Alex Edge... I.... I....

Alex Edge: ohhh jesus fucking christ... not you two.

Kara: Im sorry Alex but I just dont like it. And im pretty sure more then ningthy nine percent of the Extreme wrestling entertainment Xplosion and chaos roster dont like it ethier.

Alex Edge: Well what do you want me to do? change my name.... again.

Kara: well.. Not your whole name, Alex is fine. But the Edge. To much World wrestling entertainment, not extreme wrestling entertainment.

Alex Edge: what are you saying?

Kara: get a new second part of your name....

Alex Edge: Why! Every one in EWE would hate me and nag and rag on me for changing my in ring name..... once again that is.

Kara: Well do you really want to be labeled as the Edge rip off wannabie bro?

Alex Edge: uhhh... No! Not overly. I would prefer not to be the WWE Edge rip-off wannabie kid.

Kara: Thats why you have to change your name! Any thing Alex.

Alex Edge: OK lets think here....... humm.... Alex Mayhem? no.... Alex Extreme... No....

Kara: Alex Victorious?

Alex Edge: Victorious... hey.. that may just work.. that may just work! You know what big sis... I like it! I like it a lot. Yep Im bought with it. I can garuntee that know wrestler ever has been known as Alex Victorious! Its perfect.

Kara: Sooo does this mean no more Alex Edge shit?

Alex Edge: Yep! No more Alex EDGE shit. From know on its Alex Victorious!.... The Wrestling Messiah Alex Victorious.

Kara: Wrestling Messiah?

Alex Victorious: Its somthing I have all ways wanted to use as a nick name sense I was a little kid. The Wrestling Messiah has a nice little ring to it eh?

Kara: Yeah Its pretty good. Now your theme on the other hand.

Alex Victorious: Nope! no no no! When I Was A Little Girl by Billy Talent stays as primarie theme song. Thats a kick asss song and works with me as a theme.

Kara: But... I.....

Alex Victorious: But you what? Im not changing my theme song. its perfect right now.

Kara: But I had an awesome theme song idea.

Alex Victorious: ok what is it then?

Kara: Knife Called Lust by Hollywood Undead.

Alex Victorious: ok well I will give it to you. Knife called lust by Hollywood Undead is a pretty kick ass song. But As it stands no more theme changes. Enough changes have been made and I really really really wnat to get the target of the changing guy off of my back so no more chnages.

Kara: But its the perfect theme!!

Alex Victorious: Dont really care! go find some other wrestler to manage and give the theme to then. Its staying When I Was A little girl by billy talent so deal with it!

Kara: -sigh- fine what ever. Just trying to help my little brother out to make him look like a more crowd apealing wrestler when... or if he becomes EWE Pure champion.

Alex Victorious: How is the emo-ish song knife called lust crowd apealing?... Dont answer that. look Im greatfull that you helped me get an original name for myself but I cant change anything else. the look the theme the style of wrestling. it stays.

Kara: Are you one hundred percent sure?

Alex Victorious: I am absolutly one hundred and fifty million percent sure that I am not changing anymore!

Kara: Oh really? well see in a week.

Alex Victorious: one hundred dollers?

Kara: what?

Alex Victorious: I bet you one hundred dollers by next week I will still have the same name.

Kara: deal!

Alex Victorious: well theres a new alex and theres going to be a new pure champion by sunday!

The scene thens plays out just showing Alex ed...Victorious talking with his sister also known as his manager, Kara as thescene fades out.

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